Saturday, December 14, 2013

Novice mid listening

  • ·         I can understand simple words and phrases about daily activities. 
  • ·         I can understand some words and phrases in simple messages and announcements in a familiar setting. 
  • ·         I can understand some simple questions on familiar topics. 
      • 1. what to bring the day of birth
      • 2. When do I go to the ER
      • 3. What is postpartum?
      • 4. What happens after birth
      • 5. What is skin to skin
  • ·         I can follow some multi-step directions or instructions, especially when people use gestures or there is repetition.
  • ·         I can understand some of what people say in a conversation when they are talking about familiar things.

Novice high person-to-person

  • I can exchange personal information using phrases and simple sentences.
  • I can exchange information about what I have learned using texts, graphs, or pictures. 

  • I can ask for and give simple directions to go somewhere or do something. 
 "Me: adonde es Mcdonalds"
"Denise: llevarse  un derecho en semaforo"
"me: y?"
Denise:" ir izquierdo"
Me :gracias
  • I can exchange information with other people about what to do, where to go, and when to meet. 
 me:" nosotros reunion en muelle"
denise: "ok, luego que?
me: " la playa."
  • I can interact with others using simple language in everyday situations.
Me" Hola, como esta?"
Shane "hola, muy bien, tu?
Me: mi bien,  para frio.
shane: mi dos

Novice High Reading

  • I can understand information I need on familiar topics. 

    • it talks about the baby feelings.  Mother and baby share same emotions. No stress during pregnancy because it will harm the baby
  • I can understand everyday notices in public places. 
It says floor slippy when wet. 

  • I can identify some detailed information needed on forms. 
  • I can follow short, written instructions and directions supported by visuals. 
  • I can understand some ideas on familiar topics in texts that I have read, especially when supported by visuals.